What Is Disclaimer 60WIN? Content of Our Policy

Disclaimer 60WIN is a very important policy when betting at 60WIN. This is a set of regulations on the rights and obligations of players when they cooperate with bookmakers. Therefore, in this article, 60.com.ph will explore with you the details of this disclaimer policy.

What is Disclaimer 60WIN?

Before learning about the liability policy, we need to have a correct understanding of this term. Disclaimer is a legal concept that allows the game portal to limit the liability it incurs. Or exclude liability for situations that may arise.

However, this disclaimer does not apply to violations of the fundamental rights of players. Or serious violations of the 60WIN game portal.

Specifically, Game-60WIN’s terms and conditions provide detailed regulations on liability exemption. When you agree to use the game portal’s services, you agree that we will not be liable for problems that may arise during use.

However, 60WIN commits that the site will always provide clear and transparent terms and conditions so you understand your rights and responsibilities. Before using the game portal’s services, please carefully read and understand the applicable terms and conditions.

60WIN Game Portal always strives to bring members the best gaming experience. At the same time, always respect the privacy and ensure the security of players.

Content of disclaimer 60WIN policy

The content of 60WIN’s liability exemption policy will revolve around 2 main subjects. That is the regulation related to the exclusion of liability of game portals and players.

Game portal disclaimer 60WIN

60WIN game portal in specific cases. If you encounter the following situations, the fault does not lie with the service provider. Accordingly, you need to take responsibility if an incident occurs:

  • Country restrictions: 60WIN does not encourage online betting in countries where betting laws have not been approved. If you are in a country with betting restrictions, you should comply with the laws of that country.
  • Not as the main means of making a living: 60WIN does not encourage players to use betting as the main means of making a living. Betting should be seen as a recreational activity and there should not be too much pressure on the goal of making money.
  • Terms and conditions: 60WIN recommends carefully reading and understanding the terms and conditions when participating in betting. This is considered a commitment between you and the dealer when you cooperate with them.
  • Age and legal capacity: Players need to commit that they are 18 years old and have full legal capacity according to the regulations of their country.
  • Account origin: 60WIN does not accept transactions with accounts originating from criminal activities or other illegal acts.
  • Security of personal information: 60WIN emphasizes that you are responsible for protecting your personal information. You should not provide betting account information to third parties or other individuals.
  • Money Laundering: 60WIN strictly prohibits any money laundering through their accounts. This is a serious violation and will be handled seriously.
  • Game of chance: 60WIN reminds us that gambling is a game of chance, and the outcome cannot be predicted. Please play responsibly and don’t put too much pressure on the game.
  • Fairness in the game: 60WIN does not accept the use of software or other interventions to affect the fairness of the game. If a violation is detected, 60WIN will handle it seriously.

These rules are designed to ensure fairness, safety, and responsibility in your betting experience. Please adhere to them to ensure the best entertainment environment.

Disclaimer 60WIN liability from players

When participating in the 60WIN betting portal, players not only experience high-quality products. But also enjoy a classy service supported by a modern exemption policy. Below are the cases in which players are guaranteed innocence in their risk liability:

  • Personal information security: 60WIN is committed to protecting players’ personal information. If a breach of personal information security occurs, players will be compensated according to specific policies.
  • Transaction Guarantee: 60WIN guarantees that in-game transactions will be refunded if they are affected by fraudulent elements or fraudulent interference.
  • Protect the owner’s account: If the player provides accurate account information as requested. Game portal 60WIN is committed to protecting their accounts from unauthorized access.
  • These commitments ensure that players have peace of mind when participating in the online betting experience on 60WIN. With protection of personal information and fairness in the game.

Accept 60WIN terms

  • To determine the responsibilities of the parties, acceptance of the terms is very important. When registering an account, players must check the box to accept 60WIN’s terms. This is a mandatory requirement to determine member responsibilities.
  • This commitment is established based on understanding and cooperation. At the same time, it is a mutual agreement between both parties to go hand in hand in the betting journey.

How to avoid liability risks on 60WIN

To ensure safety and avoid risks when participating in games on 60WIN, players need to follow several principles and measures to limit risks. Here are the instructions to follow:

  • Check Accounts Regularly: Players should check their accounts at regular intervals to detect any strange or unknown activity. If there is any doubt, players should contact 60WIN customer service immediately for assistance.
  • Password security: The player’s password must be kept confidential and must not be disclosed to anyone else. To increase security, passwords should contain a variety of characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, and should be changed periodically.
  • Set a limit on the cost of playing: Setting a limit on the amount of bets is an effective way to control risk. Players should set a limit on the amount they can bet and should not exceed this limit to avoid financial loss.
  • Read terms and conditions carefully: Before participating in the game, players should carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of 60. This helps avoid potential risks and ensures that the game takes place. safely and reliably.


Above is the most basic information about the liability policy at the disclaimer 60WIN game portal. We hope that this article has helped you better understand the regulations of Asia’s leading betting playground. Please continue to follow the next article on 60win.com.ph to update the latest information. See you again!